Morning Blessing for a Mask – by Maren Tirabassi
(placing my mask in my hands)

God, I pray for a blessing on my mask today —
that it may symbolize my love for others,
but not advertise self-righteousness.
May it remind me to pray
for those who have covid 19,
those recovered and marked, those who mourn,
and remind me to pray for
those in health care professions,
and those who struggle
with economic loss, essential work,
educational choices.
As I hold it in my hands,
may I remember also
those with less access
to prevention of virus spread,
and those for whom its use
is difficult because they connect
with people who lip read,
as well as those
with face mask anxiety,
breathing issues, claustrophobia,
or endangerment from profiling.
As I place it on my face,
may it be a reminder to smile
all the way up to my eyes,
choose a wink as a fun way to laugh,
limit my words to kind ones,
consider silence,
and sing in my home and my heart,
so I never forget to make music.

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