Warm greetings fellow garden club members and friends of the garden club! We hope you are enjoying a bountiful growing season, abundant pollinator encounters and quality time with friends and family.

September marks the beginning of this year’s membership drive and we hope you’ll join us for another exciting year with even more fun social events and learning opportunities. Come grow with us as we launch new educational presentations offered in person and virtually with your flexibility in mind. Watch your inbox for the return of our well-loved newsletter bringing you stories about our members, informative articles and the latest events coming your way.

We are delighted to keep our membership dues at only $25 for individuals and $35 for couples. Members enjoy exclusive access to member-only special events. Last year we offered a seed starting class, a hands-on tool sharpening & pruning workshop, a mystery night at the Historic Museum and several flower-pressing workshops. With a new team of energized and creative members, there is even more in store for this year to broaden your skill set! And new this year, be on the lookout for Project Blossom, a citizen science project that will help us learn about the many microclimates on Orcas!

Check out our exciting new 2024/2025 upcoming monthly presentations on our website:


Everything we do supports our inspiring Orcas Island Garden Club purpose:

●     to stimulate knowledge and love of gardening, 

●     to cooperate in the protection and conservation of nature, and 

●     to assist in the beautification of the community. 

We are a fun club and we are looking for volunteers to help plan events and programs, write articles and assist with our annual garden tour. Your commitment means we can further support our local community while providing you the opportunity to make friends, network, learn and have a little fun too. Please reach out to Laura for more information.

How to join

Simply pay with a credit card and fill out the membership form online at: https://www.orcasislandgardenclub.org/membership.html

Alternatively, you may also print out a copy of the form, mail it and your and check to: Membership Chair, P.O. Box 452, Eastsound, WA 98245

With enormous gratitude to all our members and the new members that we hope will join us this year.


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