For the upcoming art exhibit at Orcas Center, the Visual Arts Committee is seeking images , both realistic and abstract, of the beauty and bounty of our gardens and fields, everything from single blossoms, to bouquets in vases, to landscapes and fields of hay. As always all mediums are included, photography, painting, collage etc.
After seeing the art of our orcs students we are inviting artist of all ages
The art will enhance the walls of the Center from May 25 through July 6 and will ultimately be the backdrop for the Summer Gala, “In the Garden.”
We realize this is a slightly limiting theme so we are inviting artists to bring several pieces and we will hang as many as we have space for. After seeing the work of Orcas students this last month, we are inviting artists of all ages to bring their art for display. All pieces must be framed and ready to hang.
Important Dates;
  • Intake: Wednesday, May 25, 10:00 to 12:00
  • Opening Reception: May 27, 5:30 to 7:00
  • Out-take: July 6, 10:00 to 12:00