— from Office of the Governor —

Gov. Jay Inslee signed a host of bills Monday, wrapping up one of the last days for bill action before his May 21 deadline to complete all legislative work. 

The governor signed his request legislation that establishes broadband access in Washington and creates a statewide office dedicated to those efforts. The bill expands reliable internet access in pockets of the state that need better infrastructure and connection.

At the signing Inslee said, “I am proud that this measure will give more people in our state access to broadband, which connects us to commerce, education, jobs and each other.

The digital divide should not limit any Washingtonian’s ability to learn, innovate or connect through robust internet access, whether it is students researching ideas at home, first responders handling an emergency or entrepreneurs launching a business. This bill will bring broadband access to Washingtonians in every corner of our state.”

You can read about his initial broadband plan on the governor’s Medium page

The governor also signed the Reproductive Health Access For All Act. This specifically ensures reproductive health equity and access for LGBTQI and immigrant communities. This legislation is just one of the many steps that Washington state has taken to protect reproductive health.

The governor continues bill action Tuesday, when he will act on the operating, transportation and capital budgets, as well as dozens of other bills including the human composting bill which has garnered much state, national and international attention. 

Inslee will also sign into law his priority legislation that will create a statewide free college program and expands the Career Connect Washington initiative for students in high school and beyond.