Resolution expected in 4-6 weeks


We write today to let you know that a portion of our water meter endpoints (60%) have stopped communicating. These devices allow our water customers to see meter data online. The 3G Verizon radio that collects this data was retired ahead of schedule this year (target date was Dec 2022).
We were on track to have new endpoints in place by the end of the year. We had devices ordered, but due to supply chain delays, they are behind schedule. The early sunset of the Verizon 3G radio, and the delayed shipping of our replacements has caused a gap in service, and we apologize for the inconvenience. The good news is that the next generation of 4G devices will be delivered and installed in the next 4-6 weeks.
Your water meters will continue to work during this time; you just won’t be able see that information online in the interim. If you are concerned about leaks, we suggest you read your meter manually until we get the new endpoints installed. If you don’t know how to do that, you can read this article on our website. You can also call our office and the helpful staff will talk you through it.
Last, your billing will not be interrupted by this event. Our team will read these meters manually in the meantime. Be sure to say hello if you see us in the neighborhood.
Thank you for your patience as we resolve this issue.


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