— from Paul Kamin, Eastsound Water Users Association (EWUA) —

Eastsound Water will be installing a new water metering system to all accounts before this summer. The new system will report water use data via a cellular-based text message. Both the water system and our water users will benefit from this new system.

Historically, Eastsound Water staff have “manually” read water meters by peeking in the water meter vaults, and writing down the current meter reading  on our “meter reading sheets.” This is a time consuming, and laborious process for over 1,100 meters. The new meters will make this process obsolete. In the past, a meter reader would visit residential meters four times a year.   With this new system, current water use data will be available 365 days per year.

The new water meter reading system will greatly enhance members ability to track their water use. Your daily water meter reading is accessible from your smartphone, tablet, or computer. If your water service develops a leak, your water meter can send you an alert via text or email.  EWUA can identify over 1 million gallons of lost water each year that results from leaks on the members’ side of their water meter. This is enough water to serve 20 new homes. Early leak detection not only saves water, it also minimizes the chance that a member will be responsible for a huge water bill.

You can make a more conscious choice about how much water you use for irrigation in the summer, or monitor your rental property’s water use. The meters also enhance safety by reporting tampering, freezing and backflow events.

EWUA has set a goal of having the new system installed before June 1. Installation at most services will take between 30 minutes and an hour. Most service will not require a shut off of water service to complete. The most complicated installations might take 90 minutes, and require a short term shut off. If your service requires shut off, you will be provided advanced notice.

[Included herein] is a description of this new water meter system and how you’ll be able to access your water use information. EWUA will be the first water system in the state to have full deployment of this new water saving technology.