— from Paul Kamin, EWUA —

After a taxing 2015 Purdue Lake is now at 100% capacity! Eastsound Water’s Purdue Lake on Buck Mountain has refilled to overflowing. Our wetter than expected, and wetter than normal November and December have raise the lake level eight feet! Below is a previously published picture of Purdue taken on November 6, along with a current photo.

PurdueLakeOn December 21, we recorded the first overflow from the lake’s spillway. Over the past 20 years, the Lake has begun overflowing before January 1 only about 50% of the time. Once full, the lake does not normally begin its annual draw down until May.

When Purdue reaches 12 feet (normal lowpoint), only 25 percent of the Lake capacity remains. As 2015 ends, your EWUA staff want to appreciate the water conservation efforts of the members this year. It made a difference.

For 2016, the Eastsound Water Board has approved a system-wide upgrade to our water meters that will allow you to track your daily water use on your smartphone, tablet and computer screens.

Keep an eye out for more details coming soon.