This Wed, Thurs, and Fri, arrive 6-9 p.m., Orcas Island Community Church

— from Janine Heimerich Armstrong —

NOAA forecasts 28, 36, and 25 degree nights this Wed, Thurs, and Fri so the shelter will be open those nights. The churches here on Orcas have gotten together to provide this overnight Severe Weather Shelter.

Guests should plan to arrive between 6–9pm, and a hot breakfast will be provided! As always, I can be reached at 298-0759.


  • Located in the basement fellowship hall at Orcas Island Community Church, with Benson Hall at Emmanuel Episcopal Church as a back-up.
  • Staffed by volunteers from the various congregations and other members of the community.
  • Open for overnight stays when the temperature is predicted to be 28 degrees or below. (I am using the NOAA website to predict when we’ll be open.)
  • Doors open at 6pm. Sign-in will be between 6pm — 9pm (although we’d take people in later if necessary).
  • Blankets, sleeping pads provided.
  • Hot (oatmeal) breakfast provided.
  • Doors close again at 8:30 am.