from Boyd Pratt

Wednesday, June 19, 7pm, preceded by a 6pm potluck, San Juan Island Grange Hall

Learn how to extend and enhance the growing season for year-round gardening success.

Learn how to extend and enhance the growing season for year-round gardening success.

San Juan Island Grange #966 is sponsoring a program on 4-Season Gardening in the San Juans, Wednesday June 19, 2013 at the Grange Hall; the program begins at 7pm, preceded by a potluck at 6pm—all are welcome and encouraged to attend.

This workshop will address structural season extenders and enhancers, as well as crop selection and timing to provide year-round gardening success.

For three years Keith Keyser has taught the eight-week class “Grow what you eat where you live” at Skagit Valley Community College. He has been a successful organic gardener in the PNW since 1975. In 1997, as a master gardener, he co-designed the Native Plant demonstration garden at the San Francisco Street bakery in Olympia.

He also works as a landscape/gardener and finds that an increasing portion of his business is being devoted to installing and maintaining vegetable gardens for his customers.

Please call 378-7172 or email if you have any questions.