By Leonie VanGelder

Theosofest is a festive weekend, offering a multifaceted exploration of theosophical ideas. Offerings include music, lectures, discussion, good food and good company. There are no program fees for the weekend and you are welcome to drop in for any of the individual activities that have been scheduled.

The full schedule of events is available on Indralaya’s website

Highlights include:

Friday, September 14 

7:00 pm–a “Spoken Word” event and reception curated by Antoinette Botsford featuring local writers exploring “The Labyrinth in Time.”

Saturday, September 15 

10:30 am – 12:15 pm
Fundamentals of Theosophy with Stanton Stevens
Experiential Creativity with Penny Sharp-Sky
Dreams are Messages Wanting a Response with Leslie Schwartz

12:30 pm: Lacto-ovo vegetarian lunch, $7.00

1:45 – 3:30 pm
A Theosophical Approach to Meditation with Stanton Stevens
SelfDesign and the Soul with David Marshak

7:00 pm
Deep Singing with Helen Bee

Sunday morning

8:30 – 10:30 am
Benefit Pancake Breakfast. Suggested donation $7.00. All proceeds will go to the Orcas Island Food Bank. (Last year Indralaya donated almost $400 to the Food Bank as a result of the Pancake Breakfast).


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