In recognition of Poetry Month, and to celebrate our treasure trove of Orcas Island poets, Orcas Issues is pleased and honored to offer daily poetry during April.

— by Ingrid Karnikis —

Let me be a weaver of words
to make tapestries
thick with color.
I thread the warp
upon the loom—
life’s dark hues,
earth brown, cloud gray.

The weft is light
through gold October leves,
a blue bird’s wing,
an eagle’s cry,
the plump splash of fish
and frog.

My shuttle races
to catch a new leaf,
a strand of spider’s silk,
a clump of spongy moss,
dark evergreens,
a distant bell.

My tapestry is nearly full.
The treadle leads me on
until I fairly dance
upon the bench.
Light, dark, dark, light
the shuttle flies.

Spent with joy,
I step away.
