In recognition of Poetry Month, and to celebrate our treasure trove of Orcas Island poets, Orcas Issues is pleased and honored to offer daily poetry during April.

by Nancy Reas
(After William Stafford)

What do I want to remember?

The bright green of new leaves
singing from the trees in early spring,
the swoop of an eagle
at eye level through the woods,
the silence of forest firs
as I sit at their feet.

Could I ever wish for a better place to live?
No such place exists.
Only this island
calling me for two decades,
maybe more,
knowing I was meant to be here.

When I turn around,
where I have been before
glimmers in the distance.
Its reality remains a memory,
but the dream I’m in now pulls me
back around toward the future.

Even if a thief of time breaks in,
what can be taken from me
that will leave me with less?
For I have it all
and more to give.