Saturday, August 8, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m., Orcas Library

— from Sandy Wilson —

LibraryFairThis anticipated annual event will be held on the grounds of the Library on Saturday, August 8 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

There will be table after table filled with books that have been donated by the residents of Orcas Island.  They will be categorized into many different topics such as Fiction, Mystery, History, Children’s, Cookbooks, Politics, Travel, Geography, Religion, Business, Essays, Foreign Languages, Biographies and more.  Paper Back and Hard Covers are waiting for you to find gems for your bookshelves.  Read them on the way home.  Stash them away for winter reading when the nights come earlier than they do in August.
Books are the Main Show but there will be music, booths and ice cream.  It is a wonderful community event and we look forward to having you part of it.  The books are for sale at easy-on-the-budget prices and the greatest percentage of profit goes to support our (your!) Orcas Island Public Library.
If you get there without a bag or box to carry what you find that has been waiting for you, don’t worry.  Paper bags and boxes are freely handed out.  There are OIPL bags for sale for those that wish.
Questions?  Tim Lunde (Friends’ President) can be reached at or 206-399-7657 (cell)