Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, May 4,5,7,8, 9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

— from Caroline Buchanan —

IMG_6038Besides May flowers, next month ushers in Caroline Buchanan’s once-a-year class on Basic Watercolor. For four days at the Olga Community Club she will teach the basics of watercolor to those who would like to start in watercolor as well as those who have tried enough to know that they need guidance. The class is limited to 8 for lots of individual attention.

Buchanan has distilled the ways of watercolor into the mastery of six processes: wet-on-wet, wet blending, glazing, brush handling, color mixing, and negative painting. There will be time to learn and practice each as well as learn how to combine them in a painting.

IMG_0011_3At the end of these four days you will be ready to practice on you own. Buchanan stresses that you need to know nothing to come to the class. She is convinced that anyone who wants to learn to paint, can. Of course, one needs practice to excel, the same as mastering a musical instrument or a foreign language.

The class is Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, May 4,5,7, and 8. Hours are 9:30- 3:30. Bring lunch or pick it up at the new café at the Artworks building. Cost for the class is $250.

More information can be found at (classes) and a registration form downloaded. Any questions, call Caroline at 376-5509. Supplies available at the Office Cupboard.