Rarely is there a sale like the one happening on Orcas, November 5! The Orcas Island Education Foundation will be holding the EPIC Youngren Family Farmhouse sale.

Kathy Youngren explains: “We have loved our years living in the old farmhouse for the last 44 years.   Living, working, and entertaining there have left us with many wonderful memories of family and friends.  We are thrilled to have moved to a new house across the road from the farm, smaller, more modern, and much less work to maintain.  Many of the furnishings we used and loved for years at the farmhouse don’t work in the new house, so we have lots of things that need new homes.”

This is 44 years of furniture (big and small), household items, rugs, pictures – you name it. Everything must go and all will be “sold” by donation; proceeds going to the Orcas Island Education Foundation (OIEF).  

Kathy Youngren’s connection to OIEF goes back to its inception: “Since the Orcas Island Education Foundation was literally born at the farmhouse with dozens and dozens of meetings held in front of our old stone fireplace, it seems like a perfect full-circle story for OIEF to benefit from the sale of the furnishings.  I am so very proud of the great ongoing success of the foundation and the hard work of the Board. They continue to provide valuable funds, year after year, which enrich the entire K-12 program in so many exciting ways. Although there are lots of worthwhile non-profit organizations on the Island, OIEF is my “baby” and I want to support it and watch it continue to thrive.”

This year alone OIEF has funded: the elementary Outdoor Education program, a new Family Support Liaison, Art for Orcas Kids (AOK) and the High School Futures Lounge. This generous opportunity provided by the Youngren Family will help OIEF to do even more! So please come – you won’t want to miss out!

The EPIC Youngren Farmhouse sale
November 5 | 9am-4pm (NO early birds)
1649 Olga Road

Checks/cash preferred. There are some larger pieces of furniture you might want – so consider bringing a truck. For more information about OIEF go to: oief.org. See you on November 5. And if you have any pre-sale questions, email us at: info@oief.org