— from Mary WillAllen —

The Orcas Boy Choir in performance at the Moran Mansion, Rosario Resort, November 2013

The Orcas Boy Choir in performance at the Moran Mansion, Rosario Resort, November 2013

Another section of Orcas Boy Choir is beginning Wednesday, February 4. At the moment it is being called Young Boys Choir, and it is designed to prepare boys to sing in Orcas Boys Choir, which has been performing in public for three years.

The Young Boys Choir will meet at the new high school music room on the following Wednesdays:  Feb. 4, 11, and 25;  March 4, 11, 18, and 25, 3:15 to 4 p.m.

The cost for these 7 classes is $35, payable to OIPRD.  We sing all kinds of music, and we have fun while learning the discipline and respect required for a lifetime of singing.

Director Mary WillAllen can be reached at 378-2387.