Reader shares response from DOT Aviation Director

— from Tracey Levine —

WSDOT Aviation Division does play a role in providing technical assistance to airports as they go through the process of updating their airport master plans. I have tried to answer some of your questions below.

Our office also contacted Tony Simpson from the airport. Hence, I believe you will receive or already have received a call from him to address your concerns.

I recommend you speak to Mr. Simpson for a more complete picture of where the airport currently stands in the airport master plan process and the opportunity for the public to provide additional input.

Please don’t hesitate to contact our office for additional information.


  1. The Port of Orcas is the sponsor (owner) of the airport. San Juan County Councilman, Mr. Rick Hughes, represents the county council on the master plan’s advisory committee; in that role Mr. Hughes:
    a. Provides the Port and their consultant with input into the airport master plan regarding the current and future use of the Orcas Island Airport.
    b. Represents the constituents of San Juan County with interest in the use and development of the airport.
    c. Communicates with constituents regarding the development of the master plan and shares feedback with the advisory committee, airport, and consultant throughout the process.
    d. Reviews elements of the plan while they are in draft form and comments on the accuracy of the assumptions and relevance of the information used to develop the report.

Comments from advisory committee members are considered by the consultant in developing the draft and final version of the report. Advisory committee members do not vote to approve or disapprove elements of the study, however a general consensus and understanding of the plan is optimal.

  1. Constituents of the Port of Orcas have numerous opportunities to participate throughout the master plan process by attending public open houses held both in the afternoon and evenings, reviewing and commenting on draft materials made available on the master plan’s website, and can sign up to receive emails regarding project information and meetings. Additionally, constituents have the power of electing Port Commissioners who ultimately make decisions regarding the airport.
  2. The following are the roles of WSDOT Aviation, FAA, Port of Orcas, and DOWL LLC in regards the airport master plan:
    a. WSDOT Aviation – provided grant funding to the Port of Orcas to assist the Port in their required matching funds to an FAA grant, serves on the master plan advisory committee to provide technical assistance throughout the process, communicates how the airport fits into the Washington Aviation System Plan and the performance metrics established based on the airport’s state classification, provides technical assistance on land use compatibility, and reviews/comments on draft products developed by the consultant throughout the development of the plan.
    b. FAA – provided 90% grant funding for the airport master plan, also serves on the master plan advisory committee to provide technical assistance throughout the process, is responsible for the national system of airports (National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS)) and the role that the Orcas Island Airport has in the NPIAS, establishes airport safety and design standards, reviews and has ultimate approval of the aviation forecasts and the airport layout plan developed during the planning process, and has the ability to consider modifications to certain design standards when an airport is unable to fully comply with a design standard.
    c. Port commission – is responsible for allocating matching funds to the FAA grant, oversees the planning process, contracts with and manages the consultant preparing the master plan, is ultimately responsible for adopting the plan, and facilitates implementation of the projects that are an outcome of the plan to move the airport towards meeting FAA safety and design standards.
    d. DOWL – is the consultant selected by the Port of Orcas to conduct the planning process and prepare the airport master plan and the airport layout plan drawings.

An airport master plan is a study used to determine the long-term development plans for an airport. Because air transportation is a vital community industry, it is important that the requirements for airport improvements be anticipated. It is also essential to reserve adequate resources to meet identified needs. Airport master planning is a critical tool in determining needs and programming development at individual airports.

The airport master plan process provides opportunities for political entities and the public to participate in the development of aviation plans. It provides a framework for individual airport development programs consistent with short, intermediate, and long-range airport system requirements and determines future financial requirements.

An airport master plan addresses the development needs for a 20-year time period. Updates are often necessary as the dynamic conditions of the industry are reflected in activity and future needs. The plan is a community’s concept of the long-term development of its airport. It graphically displays the concept and reports the data and logic upon which the plan is based. The plans are prepared to support the modernization of existing airports and to meet current FAA design standards.

The master planning process considers the needs and demands of airport tenants, users, and the general public. The guiding principle of the airport master planning process is the development of a safe and efficient airport. It must also be responsive to area-wide comprehensive transportation planning.

I would also point out that an Airport’s Master Plan is subject to change and most projects will undergo environmental assessments as part of the process before grant funding for individual projects is approved.

David Fleckenstein
Director, Aviation Division
Washington State Department of Transportation