Updated March 12 at 9  a.m.

Writer’s Roundtable on Saturday, March 12th will feature a discussion on “The Delight of the Unexpected:  Waking Up Your Writing With Metaphor.” The Roundtable takes place in the conference room of the Orcas Public LIbrary, from 1 to 3 p.m.

“Metaphor is an act of inquiry (not an expression of what we already know.)…metaphor becomes a kind of argument, a “thinking through” of what’s implied in a relation between things apparently unlike.  And the reader can feel this active engagement of mind.” (Mark Doty, in The Art of Description: World into Word)

This month’s Roundtable, led by JoEllen Moldoff, will focus on refreshing our writing—memoir, personal essay, creative non-fiction, fiction, poetry—by means of imaginative use of metaphor.  Exercises will be offered to stimulate fresh writing, to play with language, to promote attentiveness and self-expression.

Join fellow writers for writing and conversation.  All are welcome.