Saturday, July 20 from 1 to 3 p.m.  at the Library

Step On It! Building Velocity in Poetry (& Stealing the Techniques for Prose) co-taught by poets Tina Schumann and Jill McCabe Johnson

Ever read a poem that grows more and more urgent, leaving you almost breathless at the end? In the July Writers’ Roundtable, we will learn and practice techniques for creating velocity in your own writing (whether poetry or prose).

Tina Schumann’s work has been a finalist in the National Poetry Series and the 2012 poetry contest. Her chapbook “As If” (Split Oak Press) was awarded the Stephen Dunn Poetry Prize for 2010. She is the recipient of the American Poet Prize and received honorable mentions in The Atlantic and Crab Creek Review poetry contests. She received a 2010 Pushcart nomination and holds an MFA from Pacific Lutheran University. Her work has appeared in various journals and anthologies including The American Poetry Journal, Ascent, Cimarron Review, Crab Creek Review, Harpur Palate, PALABRA, PARABOLA, Poemeleon, Poetry International, San Pedro River Review,, Raven Chronicles and The Yale Journal for Humanities in Medicine.

Jill McCabe Johnson is the author of the poetry collection Diary of the One Swelling Sea (MoonPath Press, 2013), and editor of the anthology, Becoming: What Makes a Woman (University of Nebraska Gender Programs). She holds the Louise Van Sickle Fellowship in Poetry from the University of Nebraska, and is the recipient of the Deborah Tall Memorial Fellowship, the Editor’s Prize in Poetry from ScissorTale Review, and the Paula Jones Gardiner Poetry Award from Floating Bridge Press. Jill is the founder and director of Artsmith, a nonprofit organization to support the arts.

All are welcome!