Saturday, July 30, 2016, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., Thornbush Farm, Friday Harbor

— from Julia Turney and Jay Lucas —

Many San Juan forests are overstocked and need ecologically-based thinning to be their healthiest! Join us for a walk in the woods and learn how to implement easy techniques to improve the economic and ecological value of your forest.

Don’t miss the chance to witness ecological forestry in action on a tour of Thornbush Farm, a working forest that hosts agroforestry plantings, biomass utilization, small-scale milling, and other examples of hands-on forest management practices. Along the way you will learn D-I-Y strategies for thinning your forest and using the thinned materials.

You will also learn about wildlife habitat and low impact logging techniques make diverse flora and fauna at home in your forest. Registration link for this free event is