— from Jeffrey Cohan —

Thursday, January 22 at 7 p.m. at the Orcas Adventist Fellowship Church at 107 Enchanted Forest Road

“Winds of the Baroque” will be presented by musicians of the Salish Sea Early Music Festival, featuring players from the Pacific Northwest on Thursday, January 22.

Sand Dalton, a long-time Lopez Island resident, is one of the world’s most well-know makers and players of baroque oboes. Anna Marsh, who grew up in Tacoma, is in constant demand as one of the premier players of the baroque bassoon. Baroque flutist Jeffrey Cohan has won two of the most prestigious awards for performers of early music and plays all over the globe. The three team up with harpsichordist Jonathan Oddie to present chamber music for wind instruments and harpsichord from the courts of Louis XIV, Louis XV and Frederick the Great in WINDS of the BAROQUE on Thursday, January 22 at 7:00 PM at the Orcas Adventist Fellowship Church in Eastsound.
Suggested donation: $15, $20 or $25, series pass $90 for 5 concerts, 18 & under free

For more information, go to www.salishseafestival.org, or call the church at (360) 376-6683

“Winds of the Baroque” will also be performed on Lopez Island on Friday, January 23 at 7 p.m. at Grace Church at 70 Sunset Lane (please call 360-468-3477 for more information) and on San Juan Island on Saturday afternoon, January 24 (this program will not include Sand Dalton) at the San Juan Island Grange at 2 p.m. at 152 -1st Street in Friday Harbor (call the Grange at 360-378-6632 for more information).

This is a continuation of the Fifth annual Salish Sea Early Music Festival with programs of 16th to 19th-century chamber music on period instruments. There will we 54 performances in nine cities around the Salish Sea of this series with special guests from Berlin and Lübeck, Germany, Montreal, and from around the Northwest and the United States.

This fifth annual 2015 Salish Sea Early Music Festival includes six on Orcas Island, with 54 performances in nine cities around the Salish Sea.