— from San Juan Master Gardeners —

Dead and dying conifers have proliferated throughout the Salish Sea area, especially with cedars and hemlocks, causing concern for many property owners. This webinar will talk about why so many trees are dying right now and how to recognize when there’s a problem on your property. Topics include insects, diseases, and drought, and what property owners should do (and not do) to increase tree resilience and mitigate impacts.

Kevin Zobrist is a professor with Washington State University and a Certified Forester. He coordinates the Extension Forestry program in the Puget Sound area, working with people who own forested property. Kevin has two forestry degrees from the University of Washington. His research interests include forestry education and outreach methodology, using technology in forestry education, forest owner demographics, forest health and ecology, and native trees. He is based in Everett and is the author of the book Native Trees of Western Washington.

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If you are unable to attend, but would like a recording of the event, please register and the presenter will send a link to the recorded presentation. To register: www.mgfsjc.org