Only a sample of the thousands of images available in this one-time exclusive offer to Orcasonian readers.

They are called “Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT),” or simply, cryptoart. And when one sold recently at Christie’s auction for a staggering $69M, it only took a few minutes to realize that we have a similar work of art lying fallow in theOrcasonian archives, just awaiting this same level of discovery, appreciation, and fiscal attention..

Billed by the auction house as “a unique work in the history of digital art,” “Everydays — The First 5000 Days” is a collage of all the images that Mike Winkelmann, the digital artist known as Beeple, has been posting online each day since 2007.

We at theOrcasonian haven’t necessarily been posting images back as far as 2007, like Beeple, but an unofficial survey of our works on hand indicates there are thousands in our resource files, memorializing faces, incidents, passings, all the photographic evidence of life in the San Juans since November 2008.

This is truly a one-of-a-kind offer. The image to the right is only a small sample of what’s available, of what could soon be your own Orcasonian NFT showcasing our life, our history, our crazy island in a way that is not available to the general public.

Bids should probably start at $1M in order to speed up the process on the way to $69M. And as soon as we receive confirmation of that opening bid, then and only then will we seek the services of a professional auction house to guide us through the process, as theOrcasonian staff has no prior experience, and therefore no talent, in conducting such high-class auctions (or really any auction at all).

In order to place an initial bid, you may email theOrcasonian, complete with all pertinent information and the appropriate number of zeros. I will then forward that information to Lin for appropriate follow-up.

Let the bidding begin…
