— from Public Information Office, Whidbey Island Naval Airs Station–

A Search and Rescue (SAR) team from Naval Air Station (NAS) Whidbey Island conducted a Medical Evacuation (MEDEVAC) early Sunday morning, August 30, 2015, for a man in critical condition from Lopez Island.

The SAR crew of five took off at 1 a.m. and transited to the airstrip at Lopez Island to pick up the 20-year-old patient. They then flew to St. Joseph Medical Center in Bellingham where they transferred him to higher care.

“The weather was challenging this evening, but our crew did a great job of evaluating conditions at every point along the way,” said SAR Rescue Swimmer Naval Aircrewman Second Class Zachary DelCorte. “It is always a rewarding evening when we can safely and quickly help a member of the community who has no other options.”

This year, NAS Whidbey Island SAR has launched on 26 SAR/MEDEVAC missions, resulting in 21 lives delivered to higher level care.

The Navy SAR unit operates three MH-60S helicopters from NAS Whidbey Island as search and rescue platforms for the EA-18G aircraft as well as other squadrons and personnel assigned to the installation. The base also has an agreement to assist Washington State with medical evacuations and search and rescue activities.