— from Orcas Island Food Bank —

You may have seen the big outdoor tent in front of the Food Bank. It’s there to guide our clients in using our new outdoor delivery process. We are prepacking bags of food for different family sizes, and having clients maintain a six-foot separation as they come up to different tables to receive their bags.

We also have new procedures inside the Food Bank, and the Community Church as well (thank you church folks!), all designed to protect everyone’s safety and make sanitizing easy. 

You may have also heard we are providing our clients with food purchased from local businesses. Because we have received generous donations from our community, we’re trying to support our economy in return by buying some food from small local restaurants, bakeries, and farms.

In addition, we know that clients can no longer have lunch at the Senior Center or the Community Church. So the lunches we’re providing are also serving two purposes: supporting the restaurants (who are keeping prices down) and providing food, and perhaps a momentary bright spot, for our rapidly increasing number of clients. In these socially distant times, we think helping to keep morale up is important too.

Huge thanks to our community for stepping up with increased donations of money and food. With job losses everywhere, many more people need our help at this time. We literally couldn’t give that help without YOUR help, and we are so grateful to all of you!