Built in 1999, Orcas Senior Center is now 25 years old in need of maintenance and repairs that would be required for any building of this age. Full ownership of the building will allow the nonprofit to secure grants and use local contractors that may have been precluded from bidding on county-owned property. It also could substantially reduce the cost of the work.

In the short term, the building needs a new roof. The nonprofit has submitted a request for federal funding to cover 75% of that cost. Additional short-term repairs include siding replacement on the south wall, floor covering replacement, and skylight weatherproofing in the cupola.

In the longer term, certain renovations could improve the use of the space. We might convert an existing “double office” into a living room-like space for support groups and other gatherings or relocate and reallocate certain spaces. 

When funds allow, we might develop the existing patio on the north side to create a courtyard for outdoor gatherings, receptions, and dining.   

First things first! The nonprofit’s priority will be to address the work needed to preserve and protect the building. It is an important part of our community’s cultural and social network. Additionally, its climate-controlled spaces, commercial kitchen, and auxiliary power make it a critical component of the island’s emergency response infrastructure. It’s too important to lose. You can help!

Donations may be made to the Orcas Senior Center Building Purchase & Renovation Fund at Orcas Island Community Foundation at https://oicf.fcsuite.com/erp/donate/create/fund?funit_id=3186 or by contacting OSC directly at admin@orcasseniors.org. Thank you for helping us write the next exciting chapter of the Orcas Senior Center’s story!

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