— from Zanetha Amani Matisse for Orcas Community Resource Center —

Whew! It’s been quite a year, hasn’t it? The months have both flown and crept by. Each day has brought new challenges and opportunities. In these dog days of summer, with Fall fast approaching, we at Orcas Community Resource Center reflect on this past year and the challenges Orcas Island has faced. Our mission of helping Orcas Islanders in need by accessing services and support for their well-being is our primary directive. Even in the midst of COVID, our virtual doors are always open. We are here to serve those in need, however we can.

I can assure you the need has been great. Our client numbers have increased, our scope has expanded, and our organization has stretched to meet that need. Indeed, it continues to grow every day. Our phone lines are busy and our inboxes are full. Folks are in crisis, and with your help, we’re assisting islanders in a myriad of ways.

During these past eight months, our community has accomplished so much! We’ve aided our neighbors, deepened our connections, challenged our ideologies, acknowledged our fears, and embraced change. We’ve endured seven months of fraught news cycles, disrupted supply chains, mass uncertainty, and facing the unknown. We’ve lost jobs. We’ve lost the life we once knew. But, we haven’t lost Orcas. This island we call home – it’s a magical place. Sacred land that tethers us to our past, our present, and our future. Here on Orcas, we are in this TOGETHER. 

We are Orcas Strong. Resilient. Resourceful. Renewed with a sense of purpose and belonging. The Orcas Community Resource Center thanks you – all of you – for creating a kinder and safer home for every Islander, regardless of income, race, age, gender, orientation or affiliation. The Orcas community has warmed our hearts, and inspired us to dig deeper, to think smarter, to do more. To each and every one of our Orcas Islanders, we say “THANK YOU!” Your gifts of loving words, swift actions, generous donations, and allied leadership have kept this community safe.

Special commendations go to these exceptional organizations and individuals who have donated time, wares, and supplies to the OCRC and community-at-large:

  • Orcas Island Community Foundation for their exceptional leadership and community organizing. The Community Emergency Response Fund (CERF) has been invaluable to numerous essential organizations, including the Resource Center. We wouldn’t have been able to help so many without their community-generated grant funding. 
  • Orcas Food Bank and Orcas Senior Center as critical service providers and partners in crisis response.
  • Orcas Island Lions Club for providing energy assistance.
  • OPAL, San Juan County, and the Opportunity Council for providing housing and rental assistance.
  • OPALCO and Eastsound Water for providing utility assistance.
  • Orcas Center, Orcas Island Community Church, the Airport Center, the American Legion, and Camp Orkila for providing shelter sites during the shelter-in-place order.
  • Island Market, Washington Federal and a generous local donor for providing gift cards to Island Market, Orcas Food Co-op and the Orcas Village Store respectively. These gift cards have fed numerous hungry families, vulnerable seniors, and clients in need. 
  • OrcaSong and Orcas Island Distillery for providing hand sanitizer to essential businesses.
  • Deer Harbor Inn Restaurant for donating proceeds from their delicious fried chicken dinners.

Very special thanks to the Coates Family for their operational support and continued sponsorship of the COATES’ Cabinet Essential Needs Hygiene and Cleaning Supplies Program.

Gratitude galore is given to our generous individual and anonymous donors who have made a world of difference to so many. You know who you are and we salute you! 

To the many mask makers who donated handmade reusable masks: stand up and take a bow. Your diligence and thoughtfulness has kept our islanders safer these past months.

To our hard-working team of staff, independent contractors, board members, and volunteers at the Resource Center, and to our fantastic Shelter Group team, who help to make Orcas a safe haven for all, I say, “We’re stronger together. Go team!”

And finally, to all of our island neighbors, OCRC says “Thank you Orcas!” We stand with you – united by our place-based fellowship of this sacred land we call home. There is much work to be done. Indeed, we feel called to do it. With you. For you. Because of YOU. 

The Orcas Community Resource Center provides social services to Orcas Islanders in need. Sometimes a little help at the right time can make all the difference. For more information, visit www.orcascrc.org, email info@orcascrc.org or call us at 360-376-3184.