Monday, August 13, 7 p.m., The Whale Museum

— from Jenny L. Atkinson for The Whale Museum —

On August 13, Krista Trounce, Project Manager for the Enhancing Cetacean Habitat and Observation (ECHO) Program at the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority, and Dr. Jason Wood, Manager of SMRU Consulting North America Offices (USA and Canada), will present “Slowing down for the whales: ECHO Program research results from the 2017 voluntary vessel slowdown trial and plans for 2018.” The ECHO Program is an initiative aimed at better understanding and managing the impact of shipping activities on at-risk whales throughout the Salish Sea. This lecture will be held at the Whale Museum at 7 p.m., Monday, August 13, as part of The Whale Museum’s Summer Lecture Series.

Krista will discuss how the results from last year’s vessel slowdown trial in Haro Strait are informing this year’s voluntary slowdown to reduce underwater noise for Southern Resident killer whales. Jason will talk about how SMRU Consulting and Oceans Initiatives are working with the ECHO Program to help interpret how reduced vessel speeds and reduced noise may be affecting the killer whales. Also learn about other upcoming projects including the Whale Report Alert System and an online “Whales in our Waters” tutorial program about safe navigation around marine mammals, soon to be available for all mariners.

The Whale Museum’s Lecture Series is dedicated to providing our local community and visiting public with knowledge and wonder of the natural world. The lectures are given by local or visiting experts in their field. Join us as they share their recent research projects, stories, and experiences. Each lecture is free and held at The Whale Museum. Donations are greatly appreciated. For more information, call (360) 378-4710 ext.30. The Whale Museum is located in Friday Harbor at 62 First St. N. Founded in 1976, The Whale Museum’s mission is to promote stewardship of whales through education and research. The Whale Museum can be found on-line at