Several years ago, when the Great Islands Clean Up began, our neighborhood community responded by forming the West Sound Posse. We are now 30+ members strong, made up of regular folks, like artists, I.T. specialists, musicians, a speech pathologist, physicians, a real estate agent, SeaDoc’ers, engineers, and caregivers, and we clean up the west side of Orcas Island in the spring and fall.

This year we covered over 25 miles picking up almost 500 pounds of ugly trash and recycling. We are passionate about this beautiful place, our home, and we want it clean and safe for everyone and every living thing. You might have seen us on the roads in our orange vests, green bags, and long grabbers. We want to thank all of you who have slowed down to keep us safe, waved, honked, cheered, and thrown out “thank you” as you drove or rode by.

Also, a big thank you to those who pick up trash on your daily walks. And add to that all the renters and property owners who clean up the ditches and roads in front of your homes and businesses. There are some roads, like Orcas Road by the golf course, Crow Valley Road by Island Supply and Hardware, and most of Deer Harbor Road, that are particularly littered. It is such a relief to us when we come to a piece of property that has been kept clean. We can tell there is someone who lives or works there that cares. We see you.

Are we the only posse on Orcas? Is there a neighborhood that would like to start one? We would be happy to help. Or join ours! We are a fun group, and our neighborhood has no borders. Our West Sound Posse members also live in Deer Harbor, White Beach and North Beach.

Call Orcas Recycling/The Exchange at (360) 376-4088 or email info@exchangeorcas.org and they will connect us.