— from Jacob Heinen for San Juan County Public Works —

The major accomplishments this week were wrapping up the bulk excavation of roadway fill and completing the MSE wall bearing pad. The contractor has now begun the re-alignment of West Beach Creek by building a rockery to define the new stream channel.

The materials for the Hilfiker MSE wall were delivered on Monday. The wall is composed of interlocking galvanized welded-wire mats, with filter fabric to contain the roadway fill. The face of the MSE wall will be backfilled with topsoil and seeded.

Next week’s work will include completing the stream realign-ment and rockery, then placing streambed cobbles and habitat features. Forms for the cast-in-place footings are under construction off site and will arrive in the coming days.

Local businesses remain open with normal hours through construction. Orcas Island Pottery may be accessed via West Beach Road; both Beach Haven and West Beach Resort can be accessed via Enchanted Forest Road.

Once again, Public Works would like to thank the surrounding community for their patience during construction.

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