We are seeking public feedback on proposed draft sailing schedules for the Anacortes/San Juan Islands route. The online open house will be open until Aug. 23, 2024.

Why we are changing the sailing schedule
The current seasonal sailing schedules have not been updated in 10-15 years, during which the Anacortes/San Juan Islands route has seen a lot of change. With the launch of vehicle reservations, vessel breakdowns and reassignments, alternative service due to COVID-19 and crewing constraints, the sailing schedules no longer reflect realistic vessel speeds and the amount of time it takes to load and unload a vessel at a terminal.

Providing reliable service, one of the goals of the WSF 2040 Long Range Plan for customers traveling on the Anacortes/San Juan Islands route requires a schedule that balances frequent connections and capacity to move customers with operational and budget constraints. Our hope is better on-time performance and reliability will allow islanders to have more predictable access to medical appointments, students will be able to plan travel to after-school events and local businesses will see more customers visiting the islands.

San Juan Islands Schedule Task Force: Representing your community
WSF created a group, called The San Juan Islands Schedule Task Force, to get advice and suggestions on how to improve the sailing schedule. This group looked at the current ferry schedules, reviewed options from WSF, and made recommendations that helped us build the draft schedules. We’ve been very appreciative of the task force who have dedicated time to meet with us and represent their communities. With their help we’ve been able to make sure public opinions are considered in the schedule planning process.











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