— by Carol Kulminski —

As we enter the holiday season, Weight Watchers on Orcas wants to invite you to join a group of people who have changed their relationship to food for good and are learning new strategies to continue their success into the New Year. Here are some recent examples from our members:

  • A new Lifetime member with a total weight loss of 50 pounds. As a Lifetime Member, meetings and materials are free as long as you stay within 2 pounds of your goal weight. What other company gives you such an amazing reward and incentive to stay healthy?
  • A member reaching her goal with a weight loss of a little over 60 pounds and moving towards her Lifetime Achievement.
  • A member who just ran her first half marathon with weight loss, so far, of 93 pounds. Her sharing and excitement was exhilarating!

Several members, well on their way to a healthy weight and lifestyle, have lost 20 to 30 pounds to date. Six new members have joined in the last two months. Meetings are fun and supportive!

Are our members worried about the holidays? No, because they know that the Weight Watcher’s meetings and strong support of the members for each other will keep them focused and on track. What a great feeling to enjoy the holidays and face the new year one step closer to feeling and looking better!

Weight Watchers meets at the Funhouse Commons every Saturday at 10 a.m. Come and join us! Your first meeting as a guest is free.