— from Governor Inslee’s office —


Photo: The governor signs the prepaid postage ballot bill with Secretary of State Kim Wyman, left, and primary sponsor Sen. Joe Nyugen on the right. 

Gov. Jay Inslee signed dozens of bills this week after a successful legislative session wrapped up just in time for the midnight deadline.

Among the bills he signed, one provides prepaid postage for ballots, which helps takes the state closer to fairness and equity by improving Washingtonian’s access to democracy. The bill, sponsored by Sen. Joe Nyugen, requires all election ballots to have prepaid postage on the ballot return envelopes.

With the vote-by-mail process, pre-paid postage is an important way to reduce voting participation barriers.

“It builds on the work we did last year, and I am proud to say that Washington is doing whatever we can to help make sure that every community, every voice and every vote count. More voter participation makes for a stronger democracy,” Inslee said. 

Another bill the governor signed this week protects the long-standing ability of public sector unions to conduct their business. Sponsored by Rep. Monica Stonier, the bill realigns fair-share representation laws to comply with federal labor law. It also clarifies the responsibilities of the union and employees when it comes to membership and dues.

“The Supreme Court’s Janus v. AFSCME ruling was designed to undermine public sector unions,” Inslee said. “However, this state has been, and always will be, committed to retaining the rights of workers to organize and join a union. I believe strongly we are all better served when public employees are at the bargaining table. This bill is a demonstration of that commitment. It ensures no one will be penalized for fees that were lawfully collected and clarifies roles and responsibilities for public sector unions. We will not allow anti-union interests to erode the ability of Washington workers, private or public, to negotiation fair wages, benefits and working conditions.”

The governor will continue bill action next week and will sign a suite of clean energy bills on Tuesday in Seattle. He has until May 21 to complete all legislative work.