Note: Current positive case numbers are available online at the County Case Data Dashboard. As indicated on that page, these numbers are only updated after case confirmation is complete, usually daily. It is possible that other information sources in community may be quicker to report on new cases, but ensuring privacy and accuracy is critical for this official information source.

Since the last update on Friday Jan. 29, total cases in San Juan County have increased from 102 to 111. Three new cases are on Lopez Island, four on Orcas, and two on San Juan Island.

Note that approximately 44 close contacts of positive cases are currently in active quarantine.

There are four new cases on Orcas Island. The following details are known about those cases:

  • Three of the cases are tied to a single household and related to international travel.
  • One of the new cases is a close contact of the three recent cases.
  • There are three positive cases being actively monitored on Orcas Island at this time.

There are three new cases on Lopez Island. The following details are known about those cases:

  • Two cases are related and transmission source has been tied to off-island travel
  • One of the cases is unrelated to previous cases and the transmission source is unknown at this time.
  • There is one positive case being actively monitored on Lopez Island at this time.

There are two new cases on San Juan Island. The following details are known about those cases:

  • One case is not related to previous cases. Transmission source is unknown at this time.
  • One case is a close household contact of a previously positive case.

Please review this recent update urging islanders to avoid high-risk travel off-island and to avoid hosting of guests from off-island. Latest information on vaccine distribution is available HERE.

Some other info: WA DOH has let us know that there may be a delay in notifying us (and every other vaccine provider in WA) of how many doses we’ll receive for next week’s clinics. That may push back our 5PM tonight timeline for opening reservations. If we still don’t know by noon, I’ll update the COVID Vaccine page and send out a note.

In the good news department: By the end of today County Health & Community Services will have distributed 440 doses this week (1st and 2nd doses), the most in a week so far, and a sign of an increase in vaccine supplies (though future supply volumes are not guaranteed). This, combined with a ramping up by other providers is a nice sign of measurable progress. Note that while San Juan County does not have the data on other providers’ vaccine efforts, the DOH Data Dashboard does give total numbers (there is a lag, but they offer a good overall snapshot).