Friday, February 18

San Juan County Land Bank Commission meets at the Orcas Senior Center 8:30 to 11:20 a.m.Public Comment time is scheduled for 9:00 a.m. Citizens are encouraged to bring any topics of interest for discussion. Please call 360-378-4402 for more information. Everyone is welcome!

American Legion Salmon Derby Registration Deadline 12 p.m. The entry fee is $50, and the First Prize Award is $1,100, with over $2.600 in prize money. Open to all.  Wigh-ins at 6:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday . To register for the derby which is open to the public, go to . Dinners at the Legion open to all, $8 Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights. Prize winners announced Sunday at 7 p.m. 376-4987.

All-ages Dodgeball (with a superhero dress-up theme)  sponsored by High school Environmental Club.  Dodgeball is in the high school gym and runs from 7:30-8:30 p.m.

“The Curious Savage” performed at the Grange by Actors Theater of Orcas Island–  tickets  are $10. Other performances are this Saturday and next weekend — Friday, Saturday and Sunday February 25th through the 27th. Tickets for all performances are available at Darvills Book Store and on-line at All performances are at 7:30 pm. This play is suitable for all ages. For more information, call 317-5601.

Saturday, February 19

Pennies for Peace Garage Sale 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Public School  Cafeteria. Sponsored by Nancy Knapp’s 4th-5th grade class in conjunction with that class’ “Pennies for Peace” drive to build a school in Afghanistan.

Physical Acting for Children and Adults Jake Perrine – Acting Teacher, Director, Writer, Audio Engineer, teaches physical-based acting techniques for children ages 10 to 13.  His teaching is highly active, fun, disciplined (like Karate) and a great way for children to develop an awareness of using their bodies in acting. Tuition: $40.00 per four-week series, Saturdays 10:30 to 11:30 a.m., Ages 10-12. Adult classes (above age 13) starts Mondays, Feb. 28. Call Sparks @ 376-2281 x2 or

“The Curious Savage” performed at the Grange by Actors Theater of Orcas Island–  tickets  are $10. Other performances are this Saturday and next weekend — Friday, Saturday and Sunday February 25th through the 27th. Tickets for all performances are available at Darvills Book Store and on-line at All performances are at 7:30 pm. This play is suitable for all ages. For more information, call 317-5601.

Legendary guitarist Leon Atkinson performs and speaks in the Madrona Room at the Orcas Center, from 7:30 to 9 pm. He will discuss influences on the development of American blues and jazz, especially spirituals and gospels, which he will weave into his performance of jazz and classical music. He invites interaction and audience questions. Internationally acclaimed in both classical guitar and the world of jazz, Leon Atkinson studied with Andres Segovia in Spain and is the host of NPR’s popular program, “The Guitar Hour.” For over three decades, Leon Atkinson has shared his gift, and inspired countless players with his love for the guitar. Sponsored in part by the Friends of Orcas Island Library. Tickets will be available at the door, $12 for adults, $5 for students 12-18, and free for children under 12. For more information, or for free or reduced-price tickets, contact Phil Heikkinen at the Orcas Island Library, 376-4985 or

“The Curious Savage” performed at the Grange by Actors Theater of Orcas Island–  tickets  are $10. Other performances are  next weekend — Friday, Saturday and Sunday February 25th through the 27th. Tickets for all performances are available at Darvills Book Store and on-line at All performances are at 7:30 pm. This play is suitable for all ages. For more information, call 317-5601.

“All My Children” one-man show at Doe Bay. Reservations for dinner. Show starts at  8 p.m. $5 contribution suggested. Showtime allows time for a dinner reservation beforehand in the  Doe Bay Cafe.  Book a table by calling 360-376-8059.  The performance will be in the Doe Bay Yoga Studio, for a cover charge of only $5.e.

Sunday, February 20

SPLAB workshop from 1 to 4 p.m. “Naked Poets” push the comfort level to embrace exposure and risk. The workshop will debunk the oh-no-I-can’t-share this myth by writing about topics that make us uncomfortable, squirm in our seats and forget we are wearing clothes. Fee suggested $20, please contact to discuss level of donation.  Register for this workshop by emailing To register, call 376-8059 or see

SPLAB reading with featured writer at 7 p.m. Anastacia Tolbert will be the featured writer. Tolbert is also the co-director, and co-producer of “GOTBREAST?” documentary (2007): a film about the views of women regarding breast and body image.