bill signing

Gov. Jay Inslee shakes Rep. Debra Entenman’s hand after signing the freshman legislator’s first bill about keeping sex traffickers away from victims.

The end of regular session is almost two weeks away. Bills are starting to make their way to the governor’s desk. This week he signed five, including one that will help keep traffickers away from victims and give victims a better chance of leaving a life of prostitution behind. You can see a current list of signed bills on the governor’s website.

The biggest news from the week concerning the governor’s priority bills is that the House passed the 100 percent clean energy bill Thursday afternoon. A large group of youth who support climate change action watchedfrom the upper seats as the bill passed. The bill now heads back to the Senate for a final vote. 

One of the governor’s orca priority bills that would increase chinook salmon also passed the House and Senate. This legislation supports forage fish habitat protection and increases chinook abundance, and it’s taken more than a decade to get this legislation through the process. Another orca bill that improves the safety of oil transportation also got passed in the Senate Friday. You can read about all the orca bills on the governor’s website

bill that would protect key consumer provisions in the Affordable Care Act passed both Chambers and will also land on the governor’s desk next week for action. You can read the governor’s statement on the Trump administration’s effort to invalidate the ACA on the governor’s website. 

Finally, thanks (or maybe no thanks?) to the Washington State Archives Twitter feed, we found out that the Capital building was overrun by lice in 1927 due to new carpets.