— from Governor Inslee’s Office —

The Washington State Senate passed a bill Friday to convert the state to 100 percent clean renewable energy. The bill, part of Inslee’s clean energy proposal, now moves to the House for consideration. It would phase out coal power and creates the strongest clean energy standard in the nation.

Another significant climate change bill passed the House on Friday. The measure would reduce greenhouse gas emissions from hydrofluorocarbons.

It was also a milestone week for all four behavioral health bills after legislators voted unanimously for each of them to move onto the next step. A story from the governor’s Medium site outlines how the bills would transform the state’s behavioral health system. 

Bills that would protect and sustain the Southern Resident orcas also gained traction at the Legislature this week. The bills cover vessel noise, oil transportation safety and habitat restoration. You can read more about the bills on the governor’s website.

Finally, the health care bill, which is supported by the governor, passed another step in the Legislative process this week. The proposed program, Cascade Care, is a health plan purchased through the Washington State Health Care Authority that would increase coverage across the state.  

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