Gardeners remember Hurlwyn Lutz’ contributions

By Sue Lewis

Due to the unpredictability of our weather, we have decided to reschedule our speaker, Debbie Hatch, and cancel the meeting for tomorrow (Wednesday, Jan 18.

It’s interesting to note that the snow levels are different all over the island! However, if temperatures drop and the roads become icy, it is quite treacherous to drive.

Carol Kulminski, President of the Garden Club adds, “We had planned to have a tribute to Herlywn Lutz with a slide show and suggestions for planting trees and/or having plaques at the two corners that he so graciously took care of for so many years.

“We will still do that at the next meeting, but in the meantime there is a memorial fund at the Islander’s Bank and I know that some of our members have already contributed. Thank you for remembering this wonderful man in thought and deed.”