On Saturday, July 9. I’m bringing my arsenal of WMD (Weapons of Mass Delight—banjo and other very happy noisemakers) to Cascade Lake. I’m teaming up with Ellen van der Hoeven and Tow Away Zone (Carl Burger, Rebecca Cohen, Marj Franke, and Tish Knapp) to strike up a little hootenanny fun in the park.

We’ll be singing some great songs, both old and new, and we’d love for you to sing along with us. The fun starts at 4 p.m. at the day-use shelter by the beach. If the weather is nice we’ll be out on the lawn, so bring a lawn chair or blanket.

The cost for this fabulous event? Absolutely free—sponsored by the Friends of Moran. Come on down and sing with us. Hope to see you at the park on July 9.


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