Thursday, March 20, 6 p.m., Orcas Community Church

— from Vicki Tweddell —

WatotoA globally acclaimed children’s choir from Uganda-based nonprofit Watoto will present “Beautiful Africa: A New Generation” next week at the Orcas Island Community Church.

“Through the choir’s Concert of Hope, a message of transformation is shared by telling the story of Africa’s rescued orphans and women,” says Watoto founder Gary Skinner.

The performance is an energetic fusion of contemporary gospel and traditional African rhythms, showcasing vibrant, original African music, dance routines and life-transforming stories. Communications director Jeanine Bedell says the children represent a new generation of emerging African leaders.

“Watoto choirs act as ambassadors to raise awareness about the plight of millions of children in Africa who have been orphaned as a result of HIV/AIDS, war and poverty,” she said. Watoto has sent 62 choirs on global travels since its inception in 1994.

Each of the children in the choir has suffered the loss of one or both parents. They live in Watoto Children’s Villages, where they receive the care and nurture they need to grow up as productive citizens of their country.

Watoto was formed to care for the 2.5 million orphaned children and vulnerable women of Uganda, whose lives have been ravaged by war and disease. In addition to the AIDS epidemic, Unicef reported in 2008 that over 20,000 children had been abducted and forced to serve as child soldiers in Uganda.

The holistic care program provides food, clothing and shelter; health care including HIV/AIDS treatment; formal and vocational education; trauma counseling and spiritual discipleship.

In 2013, the Baby Watoto program rescued 144 babies found abandoned in pit latrines, garbage dumps, under trees, bushes, banana plantations, buckets of water and on doorsteps. They are often malnourished, premature, abused and have serious medical complications. Baby Watoto cares for these until they are two years old.

Children two and older are welcomed into family homes, each headed by Watoto mothers who care for up to eight children. Many of the mothers are widows, and the resources provided by Watoto enable them to better feed and clothe their own children as well.

The choir will perform on March 20, at 6 pm. For more information, call 376-6422 or visit The website also offers a preview of the choir’s performance and a full US travel itinerary.