— from Washington State Ferries —

As the third largest transit provider in the State of Washington, Washington State Ferries is taking a number of steps to help stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus (coronavirus) and keep our facilities as safe as possible.

Safety is WSF’s number one priority, and this includes the health and well-being of our passengers and employees. Under WSF’s Safety and Management System guidelines, vessel crews are instructed to clean vessels before each scheduled departure; this includes wiping down tables and seats, scrubbing bathroom sinks and faucets, and generally cleaning all surfaces with a disinfectant cleanser. Our terminal facilities are also routinely cleaned, including bathrooms, counters, and ticket kiosks.

We have received questions from customers concerned about having to exchange money or passes with tollbooth staff. Unfortunately, wireless or hands-free ticket scanning is not available at all of our terminals, so it would be very difficult for staff to completely avoid handling money or transit passes. The CDC urges people to practice good personal hygiene, especially hand-washing and using hand sanitizer, as the best defense.

In addition to taking the personal health preparedness steps that have been widely circulating in the news – wash your hands, don’t touch your face, cover coughs and sneezes – there are some other things passengers might consider doing to protect themselves while on the ferry. For example, those who drive onto the ferry are welcome to stay in their vehicle for the duration of the crossing to avoid congested public areas. Those in the passenger cabin should try to maintain a personal distance of six feet; according to the CDC, that is a safe distance to avoid catching most respiratory viruses.

Please be assured that WSF is working very closely with the Washington State Department of Health, Emergency Management, and local agencies to make sure that we have the latest information and expert guidance on how to minimize coronavirus exposure. Thank you for your cooperation in this effort. If we all do our part and work together, we can stop the spread of this virus and keep our community safe and healthy.