The story behind the original farmhouse at Warm Valley Farm on Orca Island is a 100-year tale of expansions and additions. However, these days it’s best known for sinking and slumping lower and lower towards the dirt. In fact, the current owners say if you’ve driven to or from Ferry Landing you’ve probably noticed and wondered about the house.

Now it’s time for 100 years of history (and a ton of modern day safety hazards) to come to an end. Annie and Joel McIntyre are beginning the demolition process and are asking the community help them revitalize the area into something everyone can use.

“We have come up with a lovely idea for a transitionary interim space that will be used for many years for events, weddings, gatherings, tastings, farm-to-table dinners, farmstand use, and teaching space,” Annie said. “We’re asking for help with this project and would be so honored if you’d help us make this possibility happen.”

Annie and Joel started a GoFundMe asking the community to help with the $25,000 it will cost to rebuild the old farmhouse area. They’ve sunk so much into revitalizing the farm over the past few years, so some support on this project would go a long way.

To view the GoFundMe, please visit: https://gf.me/v/c/n46k/razing-raising-the-old-farm-house