Wrobel and Bosley will conduct workshop on San Juan Island

— from Sandy Strehlou, for Friday Harbor Young Filmmakers Festival  —

Learn about making films, enter and judge them in the Young Film Makers San Juan Island Film Festival

Learn this July 24 about making films, enter and judge them in the Young Film Makers Festival this November

The organizers of the Friday Harbor Film Festival invite San Juan County students to create and submit short films for the annual Young Filmmakers Festival taking place from 10 am to 4 pm on Saturday, November 8, 2014.

The films submitted will be juried by a panel of student and adult film aficionados and must be 10 minutes or less including film credits. A selection of the films submitted will be viewed during the festival, along with a selection of winning films from regional student film competitions.

Students wishing to submit films are encouraged, but not required, to participate in the San Juan Island Library one-day intensive filmmaking workshop for students in grades 5th – 8th on July 24, 2014. For information call (360) 378-2798. The workshop is being taught by filmmakers Conrad Wrobel and Bruce Bosley who taught the popular Orcas Funhouse “How to make a zombie movie” workshops in 2012 and 2013. The 2013 workshop produced “Little Dead Riding Hood” which received acclaim at several regional film festivals.

In addition, the organizers of the Young Filmmakers Festival are looking for one student from each of the islands’ high schools to participate as festival organizers and to jury the film submissions. These are volunteer positions requiring up to 24 hours over a three month period beginning in September.

Students interested in submitting films, participating as a student jurists and organizers, or for general information about the festival should contact event organizers before school ends or as soon as possible for guidance.