— by Margie Doyle —

As of 8 p.m. on Feb. 14 Election Day, both the School District’s $8M bond measure and the Orcas Fire District’s increase in commissioners measure were favored by Orcas voters.

However, the Orcas School District bond requires 60 percent approval; as of last night’s tally, it had received 59.01 percent approal. Ballots collected from the Orcas drop box and still-to-be-delivered from the U.S. Postal Service have yet to be counted.

The next update is at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 15

As of last night at 8 p.m. 1,620 ballots had been counted; 200 estimated ballots left to count

Orcas Island School Dist #137 Proposition No. 1 Bonds to Construct, Renovate and Improve School Facilities — $8,000,000 received 953 votes or 59.01 percent in favor
The measure was rejected by 662 votes or 40.99 percent of the ballots cast.

SJC Fire Protection District #2 (Orcas Island) Proposition No. 1 Increase in the Number of Commissioners was approved by 1,071 votes, or 69.73 percent of the ballots cast.

Voter Turnout was 38.02 percent.