— from Hedrick Smith, ReclaimTheAmericanDream.org

Washington – Out in fly-over America, it’s popular to knock New York City. But truth be told, New York is often the canary in the coal mine for the rest of us. As with the coronavirus and now with the 2020 elections, too.

Because if you were paying attention to the recent New York primary election, you saw that the most worrisome menace to a full and fair election this fall is not voter fraud, but an undercount – thousands upon thousands of votes not being counted. It took New Yorkers six weeks and repeated trips to court to break the Gordian Knot on this problem and be able to declare winners in close races.

So we’ve got to figure out how to fix this problem pronto, because it’s now obvious from New York and a covey of other state elections that come November 3, the danger of undercounts in a series of battleground states far overshadows Donald Trump’s Chicken Little scaremongering about vote fraud.

Fraud – Less than One in a Million

Right-wing loyalists in the Trump camp like to cite the election files of the conservative Heritage Foundation as a source for their claims of voter fraud. But dig into the Heritage Foundation files, and you discover that out of 250 million absentee ballots cast over the past twenty years, only 204 were fraudulent. Read that again – 204 bad ballots out of 250 million. That’s fewer than one in a million. Just the kind of long odds that Las Vegas loves.

So put to bed Donald Trump’s Alice In Wonderland charges and let’s focus instead on the genuine problem of voter disenfranchisement that confronts us in November. The crux is not dead people voting illegally, but live people voting legally and…

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