Seattle, WA — The League of Women Voters of Washington is working with KIRO-TV to organize a debate between the candidates for United States Senator.

The League cannot confirm at this time that the candidates will present themselves to the voters in a debate prior to the general election; we remain hopeful and optimistic that a debate will occur, and we will continue to work to make it happen.

To that end, the League asks voters throughout the state, and especially in Western Washington, to send questions for the candidates to forumquestions@lwvwa.org. The LWVWA will review the questions for clarity and bias in coordination with KIRO journalists.

LWVWA President Mary Coltrane commented, “We are extremely hopeful that a debate will take place; we want to hear from voters what their questions are so we’re ready to go when a date for the debate is set.”

LWVWA reminds voters that the position of U.S. Senator is one of grave responsibility:

The Constitution assigns the Senate and House equal responsibility for declaring war, maintaining the armed forces, assessing taxes, borrowing money, minting currency, regulating commerce, and making all laws necessary for the operation of the government. The Senate holds exclusive authority to advise and consent on treaties and Presidential nominations. Each state has two Senators, for a total of 100.

LWVWA also reminds voters that October 28 is the last day to register to vote online; visit VoteWA.gov to do so. And voters can visit VOTE411.org to learn who will be on their ballot; check closer to the election for candidate answers to questions. 

The League of Women Voters of Washington is a nonpartisan, grassroots civic organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. With over 100 years of experience, the League is one of America’s oldest and most trusted civic nonprofit organizations.