— from Susan Zemek for The Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office —

The Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) is looking for volunteers to evaluate grant applications and help decide where the next parks, trails and boat launches will go in the state, as well as help prioritize farmlands to conserve.

Volunteers will serve on advisory committees that will rank grant proposals in the spring and summer for farmland preservation and all types of recreation around the state.

“This is a great opportunity for people interested in the outdoors,” said Kaleen Cottingham, RCO director. “The volunteers get to see firsthand what will be happening around the state – what great new parks and trails will be proposed – and help the state decide the wisest places to invest state and federal dollars.”

Volunteers with expertise in project design or project management, landscape architecture, planning or engineering, permitting or property acquisition especially are encouraged to apply. Volunteers serve 4 years. Applications for the advisory committees will be accepted until the positions are filled.

Parks: Seven volunteers are needed to evaluate grant proposals in two different park grant programs.

·         Two volunteers are needed to evaluate grant requests in the Aquatic Lands Enhancement Account program, which provides money to buy, improve and protect tidelands and shorelines for the public. The volunteers should be familiar with aquatic lands protection and restoration. Learn more about this committee.

·         Five volunteers are needed to evaluate grant proposals in the Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program’s State Parks Category, which provides money to buy, develop and protect lands for state parks. Volunteers should have a statewide perspective on parks and recreation and come from nonprofit organizations, government agencies or be unaffiliated. The volunteers will evaluate grant requests from Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission and will serve on the State Parks Advisory Committee. Fill out the online application.

Farmlands: Two volunteers are needed to evaluate grant proposals to preserve working farms in the Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program’s Farmland Preservation category. Volunteers should be farmers actively managing farms or rangeland. They will serve on the Farmlands Preservation Advisory Committee. Learn more about this committee.

Trails: Three volunteers are needed to evaluate grant requests in two different trail grant programs.

·         Two volunteers, who are back-road recreationists (camper, wildlife watcher, etc.) are needed to evaluate grant requests in the Nonhighway and Off-road Vehicle Activities program, which provides money to help plan, buy land, develop and maintain trails, as well as provide trail education and law enforcement activities. Learn more about this committee.

·         One volunteer is needed to evaluate grant requests in the Recreational Trails Program, which provides money to help rehabilitate and maintain backcountry trails and amenities. The volunteer should be an active off-road motorcyclist. Learn more about this committee.

Boating: Four volunteers are needed to evaluate grant requests in two programs that provide money to acquire or develop land for boating facilities. The volunteers should be active in motorized recreational boating. The volunteers are needed to evaluate grant proposals in the Boating Facilities Program and the Boating Infrastructure Grant program. Learn more about this committee.

To Apply: Submit a completed application and support materials to RCO by April 11. Online applications are available at www.rco.wa.gov/grants/advisory_cmte.shtml.

Information: Lorinda Anderson at 360-902-3009 (TTY 360-902-1996)