— by Minor Lile, Orcas Issues reporter —

And suddenly it’s May. With our monthly Village Voices series, we take the pulse of the Orcas Island community. Every month we’ll be out and about, asking people to share their point of view on a particular topic. Sometimes the questions will be serious, sometimes more light-hearted. We invite you to join the conversation by sharing your response to the question in the comments area.

When do you think tourism activity should resume on the island?

Asked outside Island Market on Saturday, May 2, 2020

(answers have been lightly edited for clarity)

Lori: Probably next season, like this time next year. Not only for our safety, but their’s too. I could see people getting angry otherwise. I just don’t see it happening this year.

Maurice: Good grief, I don’t know. I’m not an epidemiologist.

Stephanie: That one’s hard. I feel in between the two fences of the economy and personal safety. The economy can kick back in, but we can’t bring back lives. We should wait until we have enough testing to understand who carries antibodies and until we can be sure our at-risk elders are safe.

Mark: Certainly not before May 31st. Not until we have the numbers from the State showing that people coming to the island isn’t vastly increasing risk.

Eugene: Sooner rather than later. I’d like to see things open up in the next couple weeks, but the first priority is to be safe. I think we need to protect ourselves. In doing so we protect others. So use a mask and wash your hands and follow the guidelines.

We invite you to join in the conversation.

When do YOU think tourism activity should resume on the island?

Please add your thoughts in the comments area.