With the monthly Village Voices series, we aim to take the pulse of the Orcas Island community. Every month we’ll be out and about, asking people to share their point of view on a particular topic. Sometimes the questions will be serious, sometimes more light-hearted. We invite you to join the conversation by sharing your response in the comments area.

With the arrival of November, we are at last at the culmination of the election season. Which leads to this month’s Village Voices question: What are your thoughts about the election results?

Asked at Island Market
November 7, 2020
(answers have been lightly edited for clarity)

Reid: Thank goodness it’s finally decided. Thank goodness they finally figured it out. It took awhile but I’m happy it’s finally over.

Eric: I’m stoked, very happy about it. It’s too bad that the rules about counting mail-in ballots were not well communicated ahead of time because it lead to a lot of confusion over the last four days, with some angry folks feeling like there was a lot of fraud going on. So it’s unfortunate that the system wasn’t a little better equipped to handle all those people mailing in their ballots and not counting them until election day. It was a real source of anxiety for a lot of people. But the results? I’m stoked about it.

Mary: I think it’s great. It’s time Trump got out of there. He’s a fool and we don’t need him to run things down more than he’s already done. I’m also sorry Rick Hughes didn’t get elected again. I thought he was doing a good job. But it probably doesn’t matter, they just seem to do what they want to do anyway, like with putting in lights on Prune Alley. We don’t really need those and it’s just a big waste of money.

Charlette: Woohoo! I’m very excited about it. We need to recover now and I think Biden is going to be the one who can help us do that. I’m a little concerned about his age, but hopefully if he wasn’t healthy he wouldn’t be where he is right now.

Shanda: I’m happy with the results. It took a while to get there but I’m very happy with the results.

Lou: I’m probably the only person in town who voted for the other guy, so I have to say that I’m a little disappointed. I’m more of an issues person. I didn’t like some of his behavior, but the President is a smart guy and right on a lot of the issues that I care about. At least there’s unlikely to be much violence. If the other party had lost I think there would have been a lot of violent protest.

We invite you to join the conversation.

What are your thoughts about the election results?