With the monthly Village Voices series, we aim to take the pulse of the Orcas Island community. Every month we’ll be out and about, asking people to share their point of view on a particular topic. Sometimes the questions will be serious, sometimes more light-hearted. We invite you to join the conversation by sharing your response in the comments area. It’s only October 3 and already the month has been full of surprises. Which leads to this month’s Village Voices question:

What are your thoughts about President Trump contracting Coronavirus?

Asked at the corner of North Beach Road and Main Street
October 3, 2020
(answers have been lightly edited for clarity)

Sharon: Oh dear. Well, I’m just surprised it didn’t happen sooner. He was begging for it really. His choices were reckless. I’m sorry for him and his family, and I’m especially sorry for his staff that were exposed. I’m freaked out about the whole QAnon weirdness and all the stuff they are making up about it and people seem to want to add a whole lot of meaning to it, but it really is just what it is. It’s a pandemic, it’s dangerous, he was taking known risks all the time.

Richard: I assumed that when he was first suggesting hydroxychloroquine he was taking it as a prophylaxis, which should have prevented him from catching this according to the people who advocate it. So I was surprised it wasn’t listed among the things he’s been taking. He was apparently taking Vitamin D and zinc, which would have also helped prevent it. The other thing is that I want to avoid having the feeling of schadenfreude. We don’t need to be happy over anyone else’s problems.

Curt: I’m not a Trump fan, but I wish him and his wife a speedy recovery. That’s the best thing I can say. I don’t wish ill upon anybody and I just want the virus to go away.

John: I hope he gets better but still loses the election.

Lauren & Mat: When you asked the question, we laughed, right? But that’s very insensitive. I (Lauren) actually work in health care, so the laughter is more in disbelief. And having worked with COVID patients in a hospital, I don’t wish it on anybody. So I feel mixed. I feel sad, and I wish him the best. I hope that he recovers and that his symptoms aren’t too bad. But I mean, he’s holding these rallies and bragging about not wearing a mask, What did he think would happen?. So, yeah, our first reaction was to laugh out loud, because what a joke. We’re also curious to see how the media spins it. And if he is sick will we have to postpone the election? That’s a concern. There’s a lot that’s up in the air right now.

We invite you to join the conversation.

What are your thoughts about President Trump contracting Coronavirus?